As a life-long Mormon, I’ve been asked hundreds of times from friends and acquaintances about the verses in Revelations 22:18-19 which warn of plagues upon those who add or remove things from the Bible. I’ve been asked how Mormons respond to this verse, and I’d like to provide that here.
In short, The Bible actually warns against making additions or subtractions from its pages multiple times–not just the oft-quoted verse in Revelation. One such warning can be found in Deuteronomy 4:2. If these verses meant that no scripture could be given after this time, then The Bible should have ended in Deuteronomy. These verses refer to those who would corrupt the writings of those apostles by twisting their words. They do not mean that God’s words will never again be spoken or recorded.
In this article, I’d like to delve into the nuances of this position in greater detail, but first, THANK YOU for taking the time to read about my religion. From your search on this topic, it’s obvious that you’re someone who seeks to understand and doesn’t just want to attack other religions. Thank you.
What Exactly Does Revelation 22:18-19 Tell Us?
Great question. Actually, the text of this verse clearly tells us how we should interpret this scripture. Let’s look at the words again, with some bolded emphasis added:
“For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”
How many prophecies were there in the Bible? Hundreds? Thousands? From Moses to Adam to Peter, there were countless prophecies. In this verse of Revelation, John specifically states that his warning is to those who add or subtract to that specific book of prophecy–the Book of Revelation.
Another way that we can tell that this warning is specific to that book is to look at the chronology. While the Book of Revelation is the last book in the Bible, it was probably not chronologically the last book written. So if the warning meant that no scripture could be written after that, we would have to cut some books out of the Bible. There are many theories as to the order in which the New Testament books were written, but most scholars agree that Revelation was not the last book.
Further Evidence That Revelation 4:2 does not mean the end to scripture can be found in the Old Testament. In Deuteronomy 4:2, we read:
“Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.”
This warning, which is substantially similar to the warning in Revelation, must also be dealt with. If we understand the Revelation verse to mean no scripture can be given after that time, then how can we accept that there were many thousands of verses of scripture revealed after almost the same verse was written in Deuteronomy? Simple. Because the writers were warning those who would twist and change the words they wrote. A plain reading of these verses simply does not say that God would never reveal other scripture.
For all of these reasons, the verse simply cannot mean what some people construe it to mean.
What Exactly Does The Book of Mormon Say?
The Bible is a record of the people in Israel and the surrounding area. The Book of Mormon is a record of the people in the Americas. Those who are familiar with the Bible who read The Book of Mormon will find many familiar teachings.
Here is the story of The Book of Mormon, in 60 seconds:
The Book of Mormon begins in Jerusalem where a prophet is warned that the city will be destroyed and that he should leave. His group travels a great distance and eventually builds a boat where they travel to a distant land. This prophet teaches the people that a Savior will come to the world to save it from sin.
However, the people do not listen and eventually divide into two main groups. Over hundreds of years, the people fight back and forth as they repent and come to follow God, then they prosper, become prideful, and eventually fall back into sin.
Prophets are called to lead the people back to the Lord’s path and promise of a coming Savior. Years later, the sign is given and the people know that Christ was born on the earth. Years later when Christ died in Jerusalem and appeared as a resurrected being, he also came to the Americas and taught the people. Jesus Christ taught the people to love and repent as he visited them in the Americas.
For a long period after Christ’s appearance to the Book of Mormon people, they were righteous, but eventually fell back into sin. The ending of The Book of Mormon is a tragedy–the people forsake the righteous ways of their fathers and fall away. One of the last prophets in the book was Mormon, who compiled the writings of the previous prophets into one volume and that is why the Book bears his name.
Nearly the entire Book of Mormon is centered on the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It teaches that we can only repent and return to live with God by repenting of our sins and following Him. Every 2.8 verses in the book mention Christ.
If you have never read The Book of Mormon, I encourage you to get a free copy from, or just go read it online. Start reading right here at the climax of the Book where Christ finally appears to the people.
How Do Mormons Reconcile The Book of Mormon with the Bible?
The teachings in The Book of Mormon are not in conflict with the writings of the Bible. As Mormons, we study both the Bible and the Book of Mormon extensively both personally and in church meetings. We believe both to be holy scriptures which are given us by God.
The Book of Mormon is subtitled “Another witness of Jesus Christ” because it, too, testifies of the Lord. There is not conflict between the teachings of the books.
Let me give you one simple example of the relationship between The Book of Mormon and the Bible. Remember the story of Moses where the people were dying and he lifted up a serpent made of brass (Numbers 21)? Remember how the Bible says that those who looked to the brass serpent were totally healed? In the Bible, this story is oft forgotten because it is short and does not have a readily obvious moral of the story.
However, the Book of Mormon reinforces and clarifies this story. Look what vital detail is included only from The Book of Mormon:
“He sent fiery flying serpents among them; and after they were bitten he prepared a way that they might be healed; and the labor which they had to perform was to look; and because of the simpleness of the way, or the easiness of it, there were many who perished.“
The moral of the story, that it is so simple to look to Christ that some become distracted and lose themselves, is lost from the biblical text, but is reinforced by The Book of Mormon.
This is a very small example, but there are many larger ones. The Book of Mormon clarifies the nature of God, our purpose on earth, the requirement for repentance and righteousness, and why infant baptism is not necessary.
I love The Book of Mormon as well as the Bible. I understand why some would be concerned on hearing of a new book of scripture. To those, I simply ask you to read the book before judging it.
Again, thank you for taking the time to respectfully learn more about the religion that I love. I hope this study has been helpful. I’d be happy to address any questions in the comments, but please be respectful.
Nice try. Laws of the Bible are meant to be followed- not find excuses as to why the LDS church purposefully committed heresy.
Dan, I wrote a detailed blog post with facts and logical arguments. It seems your comment only wants to state a differing conclusion without any foundation, reasons, or logic.
Though a good argument, I would have too say, Im still not sure about the part where it says not too add too the Bible, as it heavily implies not too add too it, and even if its trying too bring more attention too smaller stories that can be forgotten, the fact that its adding more details too it, its just a bit odd. Not completely scriptural. Hope that makes sense, and if you can answer this, I would love too see an answer.
But by that logic, we shouldn’t accept the new testament. Because there’s a scripture in the old testament saying not to add or remove from that volume either.
well, the verse that specifically says in revalations 22:18-19 states that you cant add to the bible. It specifically relates to prophecies, which Joseph smith added in the book of mormon. and it says again in galations 1:6-10 to not accept any other gospel that is not that of Jesus’. I’m open to a rebuttal.
You’re correct that it says in Revelations not to add to the writings. From what I understand, since that comes at the end of the Bible, you’re saying that it means anything after that verse can be known to not be from God, correct? What if I told you that it’s well-accepted biblical history that John himself added to the Bible after that? Revelation may be the last book in the bible, but it was written BEFORE his first epistle. So should we cut that out of the Bible?
Or perhaps we should end the Bible after Deuteronomy, written thousands of years before the new testament? Because it says ““Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.” (Deut. 4:2.)”
Given that context, it’s quite apparent that these admonitions are asking subsequent people not to alter or pervert the writings that those authors put in their individual books. This is especially true when you realize that the bible books were separate and not even combined into one single volume for hundreds of years after the bible authors died.
I understand your argument about subsequent writings still being part of the Bible. What I don’t understand is why the Book of Mormon is an entirely separate text. Why has it never been accepted as a part of the Bible by any church, including the LDS church? That may require going into how books of the Bible have been selected as part of scripture, but O Al sincerely interested in your thoughts on this. There are many writings from many authors outside of the Bible that we read and from which we take wisdom but do not consider to be scripture.
Hi Jim-
I respect the zeal you have for the Mormon faith. However, my prayer is that your eyes would be open to the deception of the belief system you currently have and that your zeal would be redirected to the truth.
The Bible cannot be added to. Period. The canon was closed. The verse you referenced in Deuteronomy 4:2 is referring to God’s Law, not to scripture. Religious leaders at the time of Christ did this- they elevated their own laws to the same level of God’s. Jesus rebuked them for this.
Also, as I understand it, Mormons only ready from KJV. That being the case, lets take a closer look at how Revelation 22:18 is written in the KJV:
“For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto his the plagues that are written in this book…”
KJV clearly says THIS BOOK, not THIS PROPHECY.
Your above statement regarding the This prophecy is a misrepresentation of what the Bible says.
Further, help me understand…if the Mormons believe in the Bible- why did you create your own book?
“This Book” being “The Book of Revelation,” not “The Bible.” It being the last book is merely happenstance of being the last accepted, it was written long before other books like Titus.
Thank you so much for this! It actually really helped my understanding of how the Book of Mormon can be accepted alongside the Bible. Very well thought out/written.
I have read and re-read. Try as I might, I can not find John 1:1 that begins “In the beginning” showing The Word/Jesus was there (not a created being, not Lucifer’s brother-a created being) or where the Bible says God was/is a man. I do see Numbers 23:19 where it is written that “God is NOT a man, that he should lie”.
Maybe you can direct me by way of KJV. Thank you.
I think you may be looking for GENESIS 1:1 that starts “In the beginning…”
This seems to be a touchy subject.
I’m just a logical guy so forgive me if I’m too forward.
Do you think Candide by Voltaire is an additional to the Bible?
So if you say no then, why would you care if the Mormans book is labeled as an addition.
There’s only one group who believes this so why does it matter what they do?
It funny for me to see this debate.
I think the Mormans are trolling the Christians..
My name is ALASUN🌞named after the sun by my dad. I have 2 adult sons and I\’m 42 years old. I have read many different versions of the Bible thoroughly more than once, I have read the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price thoroughly more than once. All different versions of the Bible say the exact same thing just worded a little differently. I have also read the Dead Sea Scrolls thoroughly more than once. Years ago I was in the witchcraft and everything that happened to me is in Leviticus chapter 26, witchcraft is idolatry. The Old Testament is Satan pretending to be God and the New Testament is where the REAL God Jesus Christ is. In the Old Testament \”God\” pretending to be Satan sets people up to sin to have them killed so he can have their souls. Satan has people stoned and Jesus STOPS the stoning. The Mormon doctrine is a continuance of the anti-christ from the Old Testament. People have preached Jesus Christ wrong for centuries. Jesus Christ saved my life from the witchcraft in which I almost died. I have prayed about this and I\’m only sticking with the New Testament. People have also blown off that Jesus Christ clearly says in the New Testament that in Heaven no one is married or given in marriage, we\’re just Angels of God and the Mormons sealing married people in the temple is useless. Plus Jesus Christ clearly says in the New Testament not to get into genealogy and if you do you may as well continue your ancestors corrupt ways. I have prayed about all this and this is hardcore FACTS and I\’m sticking with only the New Testament. Sincerely, ALASUN🌞
Hi Alasun, I appreciate your message though a few of your points are misinformed.
The New Testament does indeed say that IN THE RESURRECTION we neither married nor given in marriage. Read the verbs in the original Greek. It means forming a new marriage. Thus, once someone is resurrected, they cannot form a new marriage. That’s exactly what we believe. It’s not contradictory in the slightest.
You claimed that Jesus Christ says in the New Testament “not to get into genealogy.” That’s a new one! What verse are you replying to? Malachi prophesied that in the future, God would turn the hearts of the children to their fathers. We learn much by studying the history of our families.
Hi Jim, I appreciate what you do here. Maybe Alasun is referring to Titus 3:9 and 1 Timothy 1:4? I recently read through the entire New Testament for my first time, and I wondered about that myself.